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Mark Castell is attending the 2017 Dutch Arbitration Day, Amsterdam

On 14th September 2017, Mark Castell – Regional Managing Director, Driver Trett Netherlands, will attend this years’ Dutch Arbitration Day which will take place in Amsterdam.

This years’ event marks the fifth anniversary of the Dutch Arbitration Day and will focus on the latest developments in the areas of advocacy and evidence, bringing together international arbitration practitioners as well as academics and in-house counsel.

Leaders in the field of international arbitration will share their views and provide practical insights. They will cover topics such as; effective oral advocacy, (cross-) examination of witnesses and experts, and preparation and presentation of written testimony and expert evidence. The conference will take place in an interactive setting and will provide an excellent environment for participants to tap into the experience of seasoned practitioners from various jurisdictions.

More information about the Dutch Arbitration Day can be found here

Mark Castell is also one of our delay and quantum experts. For more information about his Expert Witness work please click here

If you would like to arrange to meet Mark at this event, please contact us on marketing@drivertrett.com

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