David Coyne is an experienced Chartered Engineer, Project Manager and respected independent Delay Expert with over 10 years' experience. Mr Coyne specialises in utilising critical path method scheduling as the principal tool in managing complex construction projects/programmes.
He applies his project experience and technical knowledge to support clients as an independent delay expert witness in all dispute resolution forums. He also provides strategic advice to clients from an independent perspective.
David worked as an engineer and project manager on a wide range of projects. As a result, he acquired experience and responsibilities in all stages of the project lifecycle, through design, construction, commissioning, and certification. In addition, he was responsible for driving the efforts of multidisciplinary teams and subcontractors for clients across many regions, including France, the UK, Europe, the Americas, the Middle East, Asia, and Africa.
David also established himself as a leading technical advisor in geotechnical and offshore renewable engineering through his research work with Oxford, Cambridge, and Imperial universities in the UK.
David was recently requested to be part of the international committee drafting the third revision of the French Delay & Disruption Protocol. Furthermore, he became the president of the French Society of Construction Law (AFDCI).
Lexology Index
David is recognised in the Lexology Index where he is recommended in the categories of Consulting Experts - Construction - Quantum, Delay and Technical; Arbitration Expert Witnesses; and, France - Arbitration Expert Witnesses. He is also ranked as a Thought Leader in the category of Arbitration Expert Witnesses.
You may view David's Lexology profile here: www.lexology.com/firms/1297554/david_coyne
"David shows a great understanding of the construction industry and produces excellent written reports."
"He has a quick mind and proposes practical solutions."
"He is definitely one to watch in the field of delay analysis."