Quantum experts are key in developing independent, soundly reasoned and evidenced reports that are essential in delivering a clear, comprehensive and coherent assessment of costs in a dispute or hearing.
Our quantum experts, including chartered quantity surveyors with many years’ experience of live projects, are able to quickly cut through extensive and detailed cost data to understand the true financial basis of a claim, whether under NEC, JCT, FIDIC, EPC or other forms of bespoke contracts.
They can provide opinion on the independent assessment of quantum and provide expert testimony, including the provision of reasoned and evidenced reports for use in tribunals or court, on valuation of items such as:
- Measured works completed under a contract
- Variations, compensation events and change
- Delay and/or disruption
- Cost of rectification of defects
- Contra charges and counterclaims
- Additional costs, loss and expense or damages
Wherever you are in the world, no matter the sector, nature or size of the dispute, we have the expertise.