John is a highly qualified and experienced engineer, manager, regulator, consultant and expert witness with extensive experience from working in and with major UK and international organisations as well as European Commission projects.
His industrial experience includes working as an electrical engineer in the UK mining industry for over 30 years on systems ranging from electronics to 66kV high voltage utilisation and distribution systems including process systems, shafts and winding systems. Many of these systems have operated in potentially explosive atmospheres.
John was HM Principal Inspector of Electrical Engineering in Mines at the Health and Safety Executive and gave witness evidence in Crown Courts. He is also the author of the Mine’s Inspectorate’s inspection delivery guides on:
- Track mounted cableways;
- Electrical power systems;
- Electrical control and instrumentation systems; and
- Competence management.
John is a vastly experienced expert witness. He has provided both CPR Part 19 and CPR 35 compliant expert reports and has been cross-examined. Issues he has opined on include civil and criminal cases of personal injury (including fatalities), product liability, industrial disputes and regulatory matters. These cases included electric shock and electrocution, fires originating from an electrical source, mining and non-mining related machinery and installations, workplace transport, confined spaces and passenger cableways.
This expert has the following cross-examination experience:
- The Technology and Construction Court
- High Court Action
- Crown Court
- Civil Court
- Industrial Tribunals
This expert has recently been instructed by:
- Kennedys
- Clyde & Co
- DAC Beachcroft
- Al Tamimi
- Forbes Solicitors